Advanced predictions
4,426 winning
Successful / Totalpredictions
378 / 638
Users predictions
10,413 winning
Successful / Totalpredictions
1151 / 2507
Wisdom of Crowd
1,670 winning
Successful / Totalpredictions
273 / 622
Algorithms Predictions
3,498 winning
Successful / Totalpredictions
475 / 1078
Next El Gordo Lottery Jackpot
€ 12,400,000
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Latest Draw Predictions Statistics: Sun 09 Feb 2025

  • Advanced Prediction
  • 1 / 5
    of correctly predicted numbers
    no winnings
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  • Best User Prediction
  • 3 / 5
    of correctly predicted numbers
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  • Wisdom of Crowd
  • 3 / 5
    of correctly predicted numbers
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  • Best Algorithm Prediction
  • 2 / 5
    of correctly predicted numbers
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Best Predictions for El Gordo Lottery


El Gordo El Gordo Sun 05 May 2024

winning €104


El Gordo El Gordo Sun 04 Nov 2018

winning €2,014


El Gordo El Gordo Sun 02 Sep 2012

winning €56


El Gordo El Gordo Sun 18 Apr 2021

winning €76
Play El Gordo Lottery Online
Lottery Broker Ticket Price from
The Lotter The Lotter $5.40
LottoKings LottoKings $6
El Gordo Lottery Prize Breakdown
Division Match Usual prize
1st Prize 5 + pb €5,000,000
2nd Prize 5 €1,000,000
3rd Prize 4 + pb €2,000
4th Prize 4 €200
5th Prize 3 + pb €50
6th Prize 3 €12
7th Prize 2 + pb €9
8th Prize 2 €3
9th Prize 0 + pb €2

Spanish Lottery Players Celebrate Christmas with Big El Gord...

Despite low economic condition which is happening recently in Spain, a group of factory workers are celebrating the El Gordo lottery prize for about €4 million from hundreds millions of Euros distribu... read more

Spain El Gordo Lottery Data Analysis
Adjacent Numbers Analyser
Track numbers that are one higher or one lower than the winning number from previous draw in the same ticket position for Spain El Gordo Lottery.
Low/High Numbers Analyser
This lottery data analyzer tracks the occurrences of low and high numbers in the whole Spain El Gordo Lottery draw results history.
Odd/Even Numbers Analyser
This lottery data analyzer tracks the occurrences of odd and even numbers in the whole Spain El Gordo Lottery draw results history.
Combined Numbers Analyser
This lottery data analyzer tracks the occurrences of low / high and odd / even numbers for Spain El Gordo Lottery.
Numbers Groups Analyser
This lottery data analyzer tracks how numbers fall into 5 number groups (usually group of 10 numbers) for Spain El Gordo Lottery.
Number Pairs Analyser
This lottery data analyzer displays the occurrences of all possible number pairs in analyzed tickets for Spain El Gordo Lottery.
About Spain El Gordo Lottery

El Gordo or the “Fat or Big One” is the biggest and the oldest lottery has ever been played in the world. First played in 1812 it is also known as the Spanish Christmas Lottery. This is because this lottery game is drawn a couple of days before Christmas, namely on 22 December every year. This lottery is considered to award the biggest prize to the winners for the total prize cash in 2011 was calculated as much as 2,500,000,000 euro, as much as 2,2 billion pounds, which is equal with US $ 3,5 billions. This means that people who play this lottery game have great opportunity to win a big fortune every year. The prize will be paid in a single lump sum and the most attractive thing is that it is tax-free.

El Gordo is a unique game because the tickets are usually sold into 10 smaller tickets (as tenths), due to the highly price of an entire ticket (an entire ticket is sold for 200 euro). The entire tickets are called “billete” and the tenth tickets are called “decimo”. So “decimo” costs 20 euro each and they are sold individually. Each player may want to win more than once, so they usually buy the decimo separately rather than the entire ticket.

The draw of this lottery game has been always the same since it was first played in 1812. Two children will conduct the draw using two spherical vessels which contain small wooden balls. The first child will take the ball with prize and the other child will take the ball with winning number. This drawing is repeated many times until they finish all those balls and achieve the corresponding numbers, between the number for prizes and the winning numbers. No wonder, this drawing usually takes long hours to find the winner and all prizes are shared to the players. There are 1,787 small wooden balls in the smaller sphere and each ball is worth 1 euro as the prize. Those balls are divided into two groups for the prizes. The first group is called “la pedrea” which means “the peeble-avalche” and they only give small prizes. The second group contains 13 balls which give the winners major prizes.

Most people assume that El Gordo is the name of the lottery, but they get it wrong. El Gordo refers to the big prize it gives to the winners since the literal meaning is “the Fat One” or simply “the first prize”.
