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Betting on a game has been one of people’s favorite activities. In almost all parts of the world people love spending their money on gambling no matter what kinds of games they are playing. People have been addicted to various betting games be it online games or the off line ones and they even often spend too much money or get bankrupt because they do not use any strategies when doing it. Actually, all games are winnable if the players know the strategies.

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by LottoPrediction , Sat 21 July, 2012
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Winning a lottery is not impossible to happen to you, as this good fortune will be able to change everything in your life. However, when you experience this, you will also have to respond wisely, because it may not happen to you twice. You will also have more chances to lose it and this will lead to even worse conditions. First, you have to keep the confidentiality of your winning before you completely claim the money, especially if the prize is worth a very large amount of money.

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by LottoPrediction , Sat 21 July, 2012
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The wisdom of crowd is the process of considering the group opinion as a better answer for a question compared to only one’s opinion. It includes the answers of estimating quantity, general knowledge and also spatial reasoning. In the book titled The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many are Smarter than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations, James Surowiecki wrote about a lot of different case studies and also anecdotes about this wisdom of the crowd.

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by LottoPrediction , Mon 14 May, 2012
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At the first launch, in the early 20th century, lotteries as the forms of gambling are considered illegal in all over the world. Not until the World War II, in the 1960’s casinos and lotteries were mushrooming in many countries, such as USA, most of Europe, and the United Kingdom as a means to obtain more revenue besides taxes. However, in most Islamic countries, lotteries remained illegal but some organizers still run the lottery business secretly and if they get caught, they will be sent to jail.

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by LottoPrediction , Mon 14 May, 2012